3 Tips for Decorating Your AirBnb


A beautiful start of the evening in our Montana condo. Photo by Meggan Kimberly


~ Natalia Radcliffe ~

Okay. So you’ve decided on a location for your AirBnb. You have the perfect place to create a unique AirBnb/Short-term rental. 

Now, all you have to do is decorate it. 

Can’t be that hard, can it? 

As you start looking around, you see potential furniture you might need to get, decorations for the walls, basic items to have in the space, and you start to feel overwhelmed. 

But wait!

Don’t worry. 

That’s what we’re here for. 

If the thought of decorating your AirBnb/Short-term rental is leaving you feeling more stressed than excited, we have 3 tips for you to relieve that anxiety. 

1. Pick a theme.

Oftentimes, if you have a theme, it’ll be easier to decorate your space, as you’ll have a better overview of how you want the entire area to look. Picking a theme and a color palette also gives consistency, which is something you want to have, especially with a space you’ll be renting out to guests. You don’t know their decorating preferences, so it’s better to keep things simple and in line with a theme that fits the vibe of the area your space is located.

For example, our vintage 1972 airstream in California is decorated with a western/casual-camper theme. We picked this theme because of two main reasons: First, the Airstream used to be a camper back in the day when the trailer model was still in production. The Airstream is also located on our property Prospector Ranch, a western venue. Therefore, we wanted to tie these two vibes together to create what guests experience today. 


Some of the decor inside of our Airstream. Photo by Natalia Radcliffe.


2. Look into consignment stores or thrift shops as alternative options for decor. 

Finding things to decorate your space can be expensive! And, depending on your theme, can also be potentially hard to find. That’s where thrift or consignment stores come in. You can find unique pieces for your space for significantly less than you would pay at your typical retail store. You can also find unique pieces you might not be able to find anywhere else. 

If you’re in California or Arizona, Meggan recommends these consignment stores:

  • In California, there’s Rebound Furniture & Consignment in Woodland Hills and Home Consignment Center in Calabasas.

  • In Arizona, there’s The Local Flea, Airport Consignment and her favorite, Turnstyle in Phoenix. 

Ikea, Home Goods, and Tuesday Morning’s are also good places to get supplies for your AirBnb/Short-term rental needs. Though they aren’t consignment or thrift stores, they have a lot of diverse items, such as from soaps and lotions you can provide to guests, as well as others.  

3. Last, but not least, make sure to stick to your budget!

Let’s face it. It can be easy to become distracted by all the cool pieces you may find while shopping for furniture or decor to decorate your AirBnb/Short-term rental. You can find so many cool things while on the hunt for turning your space into the perfect getaway.

But, we’re also betting you want to make money too, right? Sticking to your budget allows you to have the best chance for making a decent profit from your efforts. You may have the most awesome place in the world, but if it costs you 3 times more than you anticipated spending, you will probably have some catching up to do before you start making a good profit. It’s a balance between quality and what you’re willing to spend for that quality. If you can find a happy medium between the two, then you’re gold!

For instance with our Airstream, we didn’t have to buy much furniture, as a lot of it came installed with the RV. We just had to worry about decor and basic items for our guests to use. Compared to our house in Arizona, we had a different budget in mind, as we needed to think about furniture as well as decor and the like. 


A sample of the inside of our Royal Palm Oasis AirBnb in Arizona. Photo by Meggan Kimberley.


Starting up your own AirBnb/Short-term rental can be a daunting task for sure. But it can also be fun! You have full creative control over a space that you’re going to make into the perfect retreat for your guests. How exciting is that? 

If you ever want to take a break from getting your AirBnb up and running, you’re more than welcome to take a little vacation for yourself at our Royal Palm Oasis house in Arizona, our condo in Montana, or our Airstream in California. After all, us business owners also need to take time for ourselves every once in a while, right? 


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