Prospector Ranch Valentine’s Giveaway!

~ Natalia Radcliffe ~ 

Valentine’s Day has just passed, but that doesn't mean the love stops! 

We are having a special Valentine’s Day giveaway through February 21! 

What do you get if you win? Glad you asked. 

You’ll get a one night stay at our Conestoga Covered Wagon! You and your partner will have the opportunity for a romantic weekend in a luxurious, fully-functioning covered wagon, right out from the 1800’s! Paired with stunning views of the Santa Monica Mountains and a beautiful temperate climate, this is the perfect getaway for some quality time with your partner. In addition, during your stay, you’ll be able to enjoy a bottle of local organic wine, a charcuterie chessboard, and a delicious continental breakfast for two. 


A perfect bundle for you and your special someone.

How will you use this if you win? Think about it. Envision it. 

There’s only one more thing left to do: Sign up!

Just go over to our Instagram to this post of ours and follow the directions.

The winner will be announced on February 22.

Good luck to all of you!


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