3 Interesting Facts About Life on the Oregon Trail, Plus a Special Prospector Ranch Teaser!

Photo by Natalia Radcliffe

The Old West, a time romanticized by movies and books. 

Here at Prospector Ranch, we want to bring a little of the magic and nostalgia of the Old West to those who visit us. 

From the saloon that greets you when you drive up to the property, to our Conestoga covered wagon AirBnb, we have infused a bit of the Old West charm into your visiting experience. We’re excited to introduce a new feature to our property, something that can further add a sense of being back in the Old West. 

But we aren’t just going to simply tell you! We want you to guess. 

And while you are pondering that, here are 3 fun facts for you to chew on about life in the Old West, specifically traveling along the Oregon Trail in search of exciting new opportunities. 

Fact 1!

Conestoga covered wagons weren’t used as much as the prairie schooner models, They were smaller and easier for animals to pull, compared to the larger, bulkier size of the Conestoga model. 

Fact 2!

Even though its name was the Oregon Trail, many travelers didn’t settle in Oregon, instead branching out to places like Wyoming, Idaho, California or Utah. 

Fact 3!

To this day, the wheel ruts the wagons made in the ground as thousands of people traveled across the country in search of new opportunities in the Wild West are still there to this day, forever etched into the American landscape. This piece of history is here to stay, forever reminding us of the times of the Old West. 

Information obtained from: https://www.history.com/news/9-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-oregon-trail  


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