Prospector Ranch Welcomes Two New Precious Kittens this Spring!
~ Natalia Radcliffe ~
It’s a time for fresh starts, new beginnings, and the heralding of summer.
It’s warmer temperatures, and the blooming of new flora. Even here in Southern California, where experiencing 4 seasons is very rare, the state’s ecosystem still has spring in its own way, contributing to an overall feeling of freshness and the promise of a new year and new experiences.
Do you know what spring also means here at Prospector Ranch?
New kittens!
This St. Patrick’s Day, we welcomed two new babies into the world! Our cat Cleo, gave birth to 2 new adorable kittens.
one of the new kittens! Photo courtesy of Meggan Kimberley
Meggan is not sure about the sex of the kittens yet, but as they get a little older, she’ll be able to find that out.
As for the father of the kittens, it’s either one of our other cats Romeo, or an orange cat that has been seen walking around the property. As our cats are free to roam around outside, they can come across other cats who wander around our property. As the kittens grow up, we’ll be able to take a closer look at their markings and get a better idea.
Meggan has already started thinking of names for the two. Since they were born on St. Patrick’s Day, she wants their names to reflect the spirit of the holiday, which fits right in with her as she’s part Irish. One set of names she thought of was Lucky and Clover. Cute, right?
Cleo, understandably, is very protective of her babies. Right now, Meggan has been keeping her dog Monty away from the newborns. They are so tiny, and cannot do much to avoid Monty’s curious nature, which will include him trying to pick them up in his mouth. When they get a little older, and are strong enough to defend themselves and let Monty know their boundaries, they can properly meet. But, until then, they will stay with their mom and keep being adorable little fluff balls.
Our cat, Romeo! Photo courtesy of Meggan Kimberley.
Our cat Cleo with her 2 babies! Photo courtesy of Meggan Kimberley.
Want to keep up with our kittens’ journeys or any other news about goings on at Prospector Ranch? Make sure to follow us on our social media! We post on Stories when there’s a new blog, as well as post content about our animals and our AirBnb and venue services we offer. There’s no time like the present to stay at our Conestoga covered wagon or Airstream , or shoot your next project here!