Meet the Prospector Ranch Four-Legged Family!
~ Natalia Radcliffe ~
Our four legged family is always growing. This year alone, we have welcomed two new kittens to our family.
Today, we want to introduce you to all our four-legged family members.
They all vary in personality, making for an energetic and colorful household.
We have had our pony Boomerang for about a year now. He’s a shy sweet boy who will take his time to get to know you, but once he does, you are friends. Period.
Photo by Natalia Radcliffe
Jenny and Jorge
Our mother and son duo are quite the pair. Our pony Jenny is on the milder side, a very even-keeled sort of animal. She calmly watches over Boomerang and son Jorge.
Our mule Jorge, on the other hand, is a bundle of excitable energy who has a strong case of FOMO. In other words, he has a fear of missing out on absolutely anything. You can bet when you come to visit, he will run down to greet you and sniff your hand to see if you’re hiding a treat.
Jorge (left) and Jenny (right) Photo by Natalia Radcliffe
Our 2 goats
We have two goats who love to wander around the property. You’ll probably see them at some point during your visit here. Make sure to say hi to them!
Photo by Natalia Radcliffe
Meggan’s dog Monty is a sweet animal who is very curious and loves meeting new people and animals. In fact, he’s been curious about meeting Cleo’s new kittens, so Meggan is keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t accidentally hurt the kittens in his quest to meet the two new small fur balls.
Photo by Meggan Kimberley
Our cats Cleo and Romeo
Cleo is a mom to 2 new kittens, and is very protective of them. Her babies like to snuggle up to their mother. Sometimes, you can’t tell there are 3 beings there because they are snuggled so close together.
Romeo is a Savannah breeder cat, and used to be quite the loner, not very interested in being around humans. Meggan suspects his previous owners didn’t allow him to socialize with other animals or humans very much, only being used as a breeder cat. If that is the case, then you can’t really blame him for his standoffish nature. Meggan recalls that he used to swat at her and try to bite her (trying to scare her, in his way).
But, it seems like he’s become much more friendly in recent months. In fact, he has made such a 180 turn around, that Meggan jokes that he sometimes acts more like a dog than a cat.
Prospector Ranch’s cat Cleo. Photo by Natalia Radcliffe
Prospector Ranch’s cat Romeo. Photo by Meggan Kimberly
Tommy and Tigger
Our two kittens who were born last year are growing up so fast! Can you believe they are almost a year old now? They are now proud older siblings, too.
The two siblings get along very well. They sit down to groom each other and love playing with each other. Tigger is the bigger one. Both of them are so sweet and adorable.
Photo by Meggan Kimberley
Our two new kittens
Our cat Cleo had two new kittens recently. Right now, they are only a few months old. For more information on these adorable babies, check out one of our recent blog posts.
Cleo and her two babies. Photo by Meggan Kimberley
Our feral cat, Lily
Lily used to be one of Prospector Ranch’s feral cats. There was a program that Meggan participated in where feral cats who had been picked up by the city and were going to be euthanized were taken to ranches or farms to see if they can find a home on the property for them. The cats can find food and a new home, and the rat or rabbit population is kept under control on the property. Win-win.
Anyway, Lily is now more of an inside cat these days. She used to have a brother Tiger. Those two were our feral cats at Prospector Ranch. However, one day Tiger disappeared. Naturally, his sister was distressed over his absence, and has since migrated from being an outside cat, doing what she pleases, to staying in Meggan’s garage.
The family cat, Nala
Nala is the family cat. She’s one of the older cats, about 12 or 14 years old. She’s the only one of the felines that is completely an inside cat. All the others go outside and inside as they please.
At night, the two kittens, Cleo, Romeo, Tigger, Tommy, Lily, Nala and Monty all come inside the house, due to the wildlife in the area that could be a threat to them, such as coyotes or hawks. Meggan jokes that she feels like Dr. Doolittle with so many animals she takes care of, making sure they are comfortable and safe in the evenings.
One thing’s for sure: Things never get boring around here at Prospector Ranch.
You can meet our goats and Boomerang, Jenny or Jorge when you come to visit Prospector Ranch. Who knows: one of them might greet you as you drive up to our saloon. Keep an eye out for them and make sure to say hi when you come and visit!